Abm Electric, Inc. is a business based at 66 Smith Street, Deer Park. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Dutchess county, under company number 2934925 on July 25, 2003, 21 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Abm Electric Inc. is a MBE certified business. The certification should be renewed before February 28, 2021. Established on August 25, 2003, they can be reached at 276 North Henry Street,11222 Brooklyn. They can be reached by telephone at (845)855-3222 or using email at abmelectricinc@gmail.com.
Abm Electric Inc. completed multiple contracts, among them:
a job for Client valued at $900,00 that included “replace old lights”;
a job for Client valued at $1 200,00 that included “upgrade”;
a job for Client valued at $600,00 that included “auto generator”.
Job experience
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Job experience
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