
Acs System Associates, Inc. company details

Type: Domestic Business Corporation
Acs System Associates, Inc.
DOS Process Name
160 West Lincoln Avenue
DOS Process Address
Mt. Vernon
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York
Company's CEO
Ahmed Reyaz
CEO Name
Mt Vernon
CEO City
New York
CEO State

Acs System Associates, Inc. is a company based at 160 West Lincoln Avenue, Mt. Vernon. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in Bronx county, under DOS id number 883873 on 12/29/83, 40 years ago.
This business is, according to the latest data, being led by Ahmed Reyaz from Mt Vernon.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts Acs System Associates Inc.

When considering the NYC contracts awarded to the company, we should list: "gowanus flushing tunnel reactivation - hvac.". This contract was categorized as "construction related services" and awarded by using the competitive sealed bids method by the Environmental Protection agency. It started on 11/16/09, valued at $4,232,000.00.
As we established, Acs System Associates, Inc. was awarded 1 contract from this city agency.

Acs System Associates, Inc. was also contracted by the Design and Construction. They fulfilled 3 contracts, such as: "queens botanical garden bms supplemental diffusion well-borough of queens" (worth: $1,175,200.00), "hvac & plumbing work renovation of the manhattanville health center, manhattan" (worth: $72,000.00) or "replacement of hvac and bms fire alarm systems: four (4) manhattan branch libraries." (worth: $3,158,000.00).

Acs System Associates, Inc. was awarded 1 contract by the Fire Department agency.

Title Amount
Agency: Environmental Protection
Gowanus Flushing Tunnel Reactivation - Hvac. $4,232,000.00
Agency: Design and Construction
Queens Botanical Garden Bms Supplemental Diffusion Well-borough Of Queens $1,175,200.00
Hvac & Plumbing Work Renovation Of The Manhattanville Health Center, Manhattan $72,000.00
Replacement Of Hvac And Bms Fire Alarm Systems: Four (4) Manhattan Branch Libraries. $3,158,000.00
Agency: Fire Department
Boiler Replacement $4,564,250.00


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