
Black & Veatch New York LLP company details

Type: Foreign Registered Limited Liability Partnership
Black & Veatch
DOS Process Name
11401 Lamar Ave Law Dpt P6
DOS Process Address
Overland Park
DOS Process City
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip

Black & Veatch New York Llp is a business located at 11401 Lamar Ave, Law Dpt P6, Overland Park. It was registered as a foreign registered limited liability partnership, under id number 2380153 on 05/19/1999, 24 years ago.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts Black And Veatch New York LLP

Moving on to the NYC contracts awarded to the company, we should list: "met-joc cm: construction management services for the installation of water meters at various developments on the nyc housing authority". The contract was categorized as "construction related services" and awarded using the competitive sealed proposals method by the Environmental Protection agency. The contract started on 05/13/2016, amounting to $4,080,356.00.
Then there is "nr-er-des: engineering design and design services during construction for the north river wastewater plant", chosen using the other and started on 07/02/2012. It was worth $10,500,000.00.
"Nr-Er-Des: emergency contract for engineering design and design services during construction for the north river wastewater plant", the final on this list was worth $10,500,000.00. It was chosen using the other and began on 10/20/2011.
As NYBizDb found, Black and Veatch New York, Llp won 3 contracts from the aforementioned New York City agency.

Title Amount
Agency: Environmental Protection
Met-joc Cm: Construction Management Services For The Installation Of Water Meters At Various Developments On The Nyc Housing Authority $4,080,356.00
Nr-er-des: Engineering Design And Design Services During Construction For The North River Wastewater Plant $10,500,000.00
Nr-er-des: Emergency Contract For Engineering Design And Design Services During Construction For The North River Wastewater Plant $10,500,000.00