
Business Instruments Corp. company details

Type: Foreign Business Corporation
Business Instruments Corp.
DOS Process Name
Mr Manish Chander Soon 777 Old Country Rd, Ste 204
DOS Process Address
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New Jersey
Company's CEO
Mr Robert Grieser
CEO Name
CEO City
New York
CEO State

Business Instruments Corp. is a business registered at Mr Manish Chander Soon, 777 Old Country Rd, Ste 204, Plainview. It was set up as a foreign business corporation in Nassau county, under company number 3062868 on June 7, 2004, 19 years ago.
The business is, at the moment, being led by a chief executive officer - Mr Robert Grieser from Plainview.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts Business Instruments Corp.

When considering the NYC contracts awarded to the company, we can list: "consultant service hiring". The contract was categorized as "services (other than human services)" and awarded by using the intergovernmental purchase method by the Financial Information Services Agency agency. It started on March 6, 2007, amounting to $195,840.00.
As we established, Business Instruments Corp. was awarded 1 contract from this particular city agency.

Title Amount
Agency: Financial Information Services Agency
Consultant Service Hiring $195,840.00