
Mr. Jay Licensing, LLC company details

Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company
Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum Morris & Klein
DOS Process Name
1925 Century Park East 22nd Fl
DOS Process Address
Los Angeles
DOS Process City
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York
New York

Mr. Jay Licensing, Llc is a company based at 1925 Century Park East 22Nd Fl, Los Angeles. It was established as a domestic limited liability company in New York county, under DOS id number 3996210 on September 16, 2010, 13 years ago.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.


As far as we know, the PTO register shows that 1 trademark filed on behalf of Mr. Jay Licensing, LLC can be found. Mr. Jay Licensing, LLC trademarks include: live/pending (fourth extension - granted) trademark filed on 2014-08-14. This trademark's identifying feature is "JAY MANUEL BEAUTY". According to the last trademark submission with a serial number 86366984, Mr. Jay Licensing, LLC can be reached at: Los Angeles, CA, zip code - 90067, located at: 22Nd Floor, Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer, 1925 Century Park East.

Filing date Status Company name Address Mark identification
08/14/2014 Live/Pending Mr. Jay Licensing, LLC 22nd Floor, Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer
1925 Century Park East
Los Angeles, 90067


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