
Union Settlement Association, Inc. company details

Type: Domestic Not-for-profit Corporation
Union Settlement Association, Inc.
DOS Process Name
237 East 104th Street
DOS Process Address
New York
DOS Process City
New York
DOS Process State
DOS Process Zip
New York
New York
Registered Agent
Union Settlement Association, Inc.
Registered Agent Name
237 East 104th St.
Registered Agent Address
New York
Registered Agent City
New York
Registered Agent State
Registered Agent Zip

Union Settlement Association, Inc. is a company based at 237 East 104Th Street, New York. It was established as a domestic not-for-profit corporation in New York county, under id number 27622 on April 17, 1902, 122 years ago.

The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.

City contracts Union Settlement Association, Inc.

When considering the city contracts awarded to the company, we can name: "group daycare asthma training-east harlem". The contract was categorized as "services (other than human services)" and awarded using the small purchase method by the Health and Mental Hygiene agency. It began on January 11, 2007, valued at $100,000.00.
Then there is "mental hygiene services", selected using the required method (including preferred source) and started on November 18, 2005. It amounted to $392,376.00.
"Direct mental hygiene services", the final of the three was valued at $425,934.00. It was selected using the renewal and began on July 13, 2011.
As we found, Union Settlement Association, Inc. was awarded 6 contracts from the abovementioned city agency.

Union Settlement Association, Inc. was also contracted by the Administration For Children's Services. They did 1 contract, such as: "community partnership program" (worth: $1,050,000.00).

Title Amount
Agency: Health and Mental Hygiene
Group Daycare Asthma Training-east Harlem $100,000.00
Mental Hygiene Services $392,376.00
Direct Mental Hygiene Services $425,934.00
Managing Asthma In Early Childhood Programs $117,188.00
Asthma-managing Asthma In Early Childhood Programs $116,459.63
Astma Day Care-harlem $100,000.00
Agency: Administration for Children's Services
Community Partnership Program $1,050,000.00


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